Connect tools with AI
Start integrating tools into your AI agent in minutes
To get started with VeyraX — you will need an API KEY
. You can find it on platform in your account settings.
Connect Tools
Before using VeyraX tools, you need to connect the services you want to integrate. Visit the VeyraX Integrations page where you can find and connect a wide variety of tools and services. Simply browse through the extensive catalog of available integrations, select the ones you need, and follow the authentication process to connect them to your VeyraX account.
Fetch Available Tools
First, retrieve the list of available tools from the VeyraX integration endpoint:
Define LLM Call
Now, define a function to ask OpenAI to determine which tool, method, and parameters should be called based on the user’s query:
Call the Selected Tool
Use the response from OpenAI to call the corresponding VeyraX tool:
Example Usage
Let’s ask OpenAI for the latest 10 Gmail messages and execute the appropriate tool:
OpenAI might return something like:
Then, use this response to call the tool:
This will return data and a React-compatible component structure for effortless rendering in any React environment:
You’re now set up to dynamically leverage VeyraX tools within your OpenAI workflows!